Tuesday, 17 April 2012


Just a quickie..... not the best quality pic, it was taken on my friends phone. An outfit I wore on a night out back up north.

Sunday, 15 April 2012

All right white

 A casual Sunday afternoon outfit.


Boots-New look
Jacket-Camden market

Monday, 9 April 2012

My best friends wedding

Hey angel faces hope your all full to the brim with Easter eggs and had a fantastico weekend. Just another quickie post, this is what I wore to my best friend wedding on Sunday. Had the most amazing time with all my beautiful friends.

 Lots of happy tears, bubbles, Peter kay dancing to the dance floor moves, aching belly laughs, the chicken and the monkey dance, hangovers galore, can't eat no more, good times xx

Thank you all for your lovely birthday wishes xoxo

Dress-Primark £17 Bargain. The dress I wore on Saturday was designer and a bit pricey and my fav dress ever, funny thing is I got more compliments while wearing this one.

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Birthday girl

Happy Easter poppets hope you are having a lovely weekend and have like me eaten or are going to eat your body weight in chocolate. It was my birthday yesterday, I had a lovely day. I am up north for my best friends wedding weekend. It was a day at the races yesterday and today is the big day I have got loads of kleenex ready, yes I am a total softy and will be booing my eyes out . I didn't win it big yesterday backed a load of donkeys but my strategy isn't the best to be honest. Picking the cutest names and the prettiest colours of the Jockeys silks isn't gonna make me rich ha. Still super busy and got my head in the revision books but will catch up and comment on your blogs asap.

Love lots have a lovely day my little Easter bunnies xoxo